The social network of IPC (Intelligence Process Cooperation) acts with a view to Intellectual evolution in businesses, organizations and generally in collective action environments.
The exploration of the Cognitive evolution in practice by the IPC network is mainly focused on the social field of knowledge, in areas such as business activity and education, management and strategy, economy and growth and, generally, on human relationships.
that the change of mentality we suggest through our Mental Evolution concept can result in a limitless, noiseless, true revolution of a kind.
We support the implementation of the evolutionary-mental process, the basis for the mindset and corporate culture that enable the development of intelligence and the continuous improvement of perception, action and decision-making in every business aspect.
Education of real value and perspective should be based on a reliable approach to reality and truth, not on useless trivia. It should be based on the perception and application of the evolutionary-mental process in every field of knowledge and social reality cannot be excluded.
Improvement of environmental awareness is proportional to the understanding of the evolutionary-mental process that has created the environment and everything existent, through the specific thinking process of the Mental Evolution concept.
is to spread the unique Mental Evolution method and its huge benefits worlwide.
which forms a strong and solid Intention towards a destination – target of real value and perspective.
It means seeing things without connecting them to our past, experiences, emotions, social acquaintances’ opinions etc.
It is the result of “OBSERVATION”. Through “CONSCIOUSNESS” we spontaneously interpret what we see based on information arising from Principles, not based on past experiences or our emotions.
in a way that releases people’s mental dynamics and their will for Creativity and Transcendence by creating the circumstances for Intelligence development.
We Couldn’t Do It Without Them