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Seek the unknown and essential facts and data that constantly reveal to you new aspects of reality. These are the new thought channels that take us to the infinite reality and truth.
Life becomes exciting, when instead of going after the fulfillment of your needs and desires through any kind of relationship, you explore ways of getting rid of your unrealistic beliefs and notions mutually.
We perceive reality based on desire, and that’s why we make up non existent concepts such as “prestige”, “superiority”, “perfection”, “ideal”, “holy”, “wonderful”, “excellence”. Being predominant, these notions make us ignore always valid facts and data and not only do they block intelligence improvement, but they also increase stupidity dramatically.
The most exciting “game” of life is the one that develops imagination, inspiration and creativity, constantly revealing new aspects of reality and truth, while improving the quality of perception and action.
This book clarifies simply, briefly and concisely what is the procedure we follow until now at every level of education, from primary school to university and even at postgraduate and doctoral level, and what the implications of this procedure are regarding the quality and reliability of our understanding of reality (truth). It defines what exactly it is that needs to change in order to dramatically improve the rates of intelligence development at all stages of education. What it is that we need to do to reduce our unrealistic beliefs and theories in order to be able to continually improve the reliability of our beliefs and theories.
The book shows everyone – and especially those who regulate education in every country – how we are able substantially to connect reality and truth with any knowledge acquired at every stage of education. A connection that will improve the rates of development of intelligence at all stages of education by introducing revolutionary changes at all stages of education. It is the first time in history that a single book completely redefines the educational standards and the educational system in general in a simple and clear way laying the foundation for the development of intelligence and overall well-being globally.
The owl on the cover of the book is the sacred bird of the goddess Athena and the city of Athens in ancient Greece and is also a universal symbol of wisdom and prudence. Today ─ some two and a half thousand years after ancient Greece’s decisive contribution to knowledge and culture ─ we offer the evolutionary-mental process that can support continually the increase of our cognitive and mental evolution. The process that will bring about a revolution unprecedented in our history, the process that makes the development of intelligence a conscious and systematic act, reshaping the way all human beings think and function.
The evolutionary-mental process is the process of constant enquiry and documented overcoming of limiting beliefs and views that prevent our evolution at all levels of existence.
It gives real value and perspective to human needs and desires and the way we fulfill them while it improves the quality of life of every person who applies it in a systematic way.
The evolutionary-mental process consciously and systematically reduces unrealistic beliefs and views and removes the human mind from the usual illusions in order to gradually approach true and objective dimensions of reality. Understanding the evolutionary-mental process results in constant discovery of new amazing aspects of reality and truth and a much better mindset and quality of life. Understanding the evolutionary-mental process leads to our progressive mental evolution and makes us more and more intelligent day by day.
has a long career as a business executive and has been involved professionally with the issues of improving mental composure and change of mentality in the workplace as a consultant for companies and organizations in the field of Change Management. Since 2010 he has been dealing exclusively with the fields of application of the concept of Mental Evolution of which he is the inspirer and creator, through various actions that aim at the overall improvement of the relationship of people with the objective terms of social reality. He has written extensively and his research interests focus on topics of management, organization, culture change, efficiency, results, relationships and effective communication.
His first official scientific studies were in the Law Department of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in Greece. He has worked as a lawyer for 3 years.
During the years he created his own businesses in different commercial sectors. Most notable is the foundation of Virtuallity in 2012 the first ever specialized Virtual and Augmented Reality technology in Greece. Along with his company he was providing VR & AR solutions to companies and individual clients. As an expert in these technologies he gave a number of educational seminars in private colleges.
He was also the Managing Director in two companies during his stay in Amsterdam and in Puerto Plata in the Dominican Republic.
The last decade and more he works exclusively as a NLP Practitioner, providing different services, such as private and team sessions and business coaching.
He also teaches his own seminars about self-improvement using the mBRAIN System he created. He is a motivational speaker and a specialist in verbal and body language communication.